Posts Tagged ‘weight watchers’

As of Saturday, I have officially lost 33 lbs.  Yay, go me!  It’s very VERY exciting and I feel really great.  That is, all except one part of me — the area between my waist and my ankles looks fine when I’m in a skirt, but when I’m in pants, I’m not looking so hot. […]

It’s surely known that Marc is the cook in this family.  I am not quite there yet, but I’m trying to learn.  As Marc has the beginnings of a cold, I decided to be in charge of dinner tonight!  We’ve been trying out recipes from, in accordance with our weight loss plan.  Tonight’s delicious […]



I just said it to Marc and I’m going to say it to you… The relevance of the song “Party Like It’s 1999” is now 10 years old.  Whoa.  Think about that. Also, 10 years ago, at the tender age of 17, my best friend, Jasmine, and I went to Applebees with our friend LaToya […]