Posts Tagged ‘Daily Life’

Marc and I got a Wii/Wii Fit today!  I was skeptical at first, mostly because I am not at all coordinated, and I always am a little skeptical of certain technologies (especially video game ones, because we grew up in a video-game-free house).  Anyway, Cecilia has one and has raved about it, and Marc and […]

Believe it or not, Marc and I have had a few brushes with greatness this weekend.  I will recount them for you–and you may tell me that you think they don’t count (you’ll see what I mean), BUT they happened to us (or people we know) all weekend.  I don’t often encounter fame, so I […]



Marc and I spent our weekend in scenic Jamestown, Rhode Island.  We usually have a weekend getaway in February, but since we got Job in January, we decided to put it off until a later date.  What a better way to reignite the flames of our love than after Marc’s three long trips in March.  […]

Once again


March has been a hard month.  Marc’s been OUT of town more often than he’s been in it.  The majority of his travel has been for work, but this last leg (from yesterday — Friday — until April 1, Wednesday), he is in California, visiting his mom.  I’m happy for him, to be able to […]

Marc’s back from England, but let me tell you….it’s kind of been a long week without him.  He left on Monday morning, when I promptly freaked my freak and decided that I could NOT. FIND. MY. PHONE.  And instead of calmly looking for it, I decided to have a major panic attack, that included tears, […]

I can’t say I’ve always been a fan of Valentine’s Day, but it’s a lot easier to love it when you’re in love.  And I am, of course.  In years past, Marc and I have always gone out of town for Valentine’s Day.  This year, because we have the new addition to the family (our […]

Settling in


Job has been with us for just a few days and I have to say, he’s fitting in quite nicely.  He is still a pretty tired boy, sleeping a lot of the evening and some of the day, but I think that that is just from adjustment, and also probably some bliss, given that he […]

Catching up


As we do each year, Marc and I packed up our car last weekend and headed to Brooklyn, to spend a “Consortium Weekend” with Marc’s cousin (and my good friend) Seth.  The three of us have been joining forces on Martin Luther King Day weekend since 2006, spending the weekend in absolute relaxation, leaving Seth’s […]