Posts Tagged ‘friends’

My family had the great fortune of being invited to witness Nicky and Brett’s wedding.  Nicky and I have been friends since the first grade, and I was so glad that Marc and I were able to share this big day with her.  As I mentioned, she has been struck with major tragedy, losing both […]

Wedding weekend


Marc and I breezed into town this weekend for my friend Nicky’s wedding.  She has had a rough time of things lately, and we are SO excited to be there for her and for her special day.  I know it is going to be wonderful for her, and I can’t wait to post pictures. We […]

So Marc and I had the luxury of spending the weekend together, which hasn’t happened in two weeks, making this weekend (even though I had to work) completely blissful.  I have to remember that I am allowed to get USED to spending time with my husband alone–and that it’s ok! We had a “big movie” […]

Dress battle


One of my oldest friends is getting married on May 24.  I am really looking forward to being there, but I also am really looking forward to being a stunner.  I’m proud of the 30-ish pounds that I lost and I want to look sexy, cool and confident.  I also had a Macy’s gift card […]

I love winter, probably more than most, but I’m freakin’ DONE.  I’m ready for it to be spring and somewhat warm, and for there to be no snow.  Rain is fine, just no more snow.  PLEASE.  I don’t think my brain can handle it anymore.  And the bottoms of my jeans are completely wrecked. I’m […]



I just said it to Marc and I’m going to say it to you… The relevance of the song “Party Like It’s 1999” is now 10 years old.  Whoa.  Think about that. Also, 10 years ago, at the tender age of 17, my best friend, Jasmine, and I went to Applebees with our friend LaToya […]

Knitted scarf!


I knitted this scarf for Christie Kleinowski, to give as a gift this holiday season.  The pictures do not give the scarf it’s justice, as it has a great texture, like a basket weave pattern.  I can’t wait for her to see this.  I know she’ll be pleased!

Baby blanket


I made this for a friend of a friend…she’s going to give it as a shower gift.  I’m super proud of it.  I haven’t made a baby blanket in a while!  Obviously, if you know anyone who might be interested in purchasing something like this, let me know!  🙂  (

I love having Phil here.  I have a feeling that it has a lot to do with my need/desire to connect with something Wisconsin/Stritch/my former life (that sounds bad…like I am in the witness protection program).  Or maybe I like having another person in the house.  I don’t know.  But it’s been great in general. […]

Twilight = Meh.


At the urging of four friends who I love dearly, I started the Twilight series.  For those of you who are unfamiliar, the Twilight series is a set of Young Adult (YA) books that are supposed to appeal to the post-Harry Potter crowd (I think).  They’re vampire books, but to quote ALL four of my […]