Archive for the ‘ruminations’ Category

Whip It


Yesterday was an off day for us (though not for everyone, I realize).  Around 9 a.m., we saw a preview for the new Drew Barrymore-directed movie, Whip It.  “Let’s go!” I said to Marc.  He agreed and we were able to get it together to attend the $6 pre-noon showing in Burlington.  Score! I didn’t […]

I am really easily amused.  I absolutely get excited about most things that people wouldn’t even think about, but because I am who I am, I get jazzed just thinking about certain things.  Right now, I’m pretty jazzed about the following: 1.  Marc and I are going to Ten Tables tonight in Cambridge.  We got […]

As of Saturday, I have officially lost 33 lbs.  Yay, go me!  It’s very VERY exciting and I feel really great.  That is, all except one part of me — the area between my waist and my ankles looks fine when I’m in a skirt, but when I’m in pants, I’m not looking so hot. […]

Hey Sis!


As I mentioned in a previous post, I made the decision to become a Big Sister through Big Sister Association of Greater Boston, where I am currently employed.  I have decided that now is a great time in my life to make the one year commitment to the program.  I also know that in my […]

I blame Punky


Job is the most embarrassed dog in town right now.  We were out for our early evening pre-dinner walk, about 3/4 of the way home, when I noticed that I was wearing two different shoes.  Yes, I did manage to get them on the correct feet, but I was wearing one black low-profile mary jane […]

I can’t say I’ve always been a fan of Valentine’s Day, but it’s a lot easier to love it when you’re in love.  And I am, of course.  In years past, Marc and I have always gone out of town for Valentine’s Day.  This year, because we have the new addition to the family (our […]

Temperature wise, the past few days in Boston have been glorious.  Yes, there is still snow on the ground (and ice underfoot), but I’ve been walking with my coat WIDE OPEN!  How incredible is that?  Incredible!   Yes, I’m aware it’s not going to last forever, but I am really okay with the reality of it in […]

My Aunty Dorothy passed away last night, a fact that make me deeply sad.  In memory of her, and as a chance to celebrate all of the wonderful things that she was, I decided to write this post. My Aunty Dorothy may not have technically been our family—no one knows if she was related to […]



I just said it to Marc and I’m going to say it to you… The relevance of the song “Party Like It’s 1999” is now 10 years old.  Whoa.  Think about that. Also, 10 years ago, at the tender age of 17, my best friend, Jasmine, and I went to Applebees with our friend LaToya […]