Archive for February, 2009

Marc’s back from England, but let me tell you….it’s kind of been a long week without him.  He left on Monday morning, when I promptly freaked my freak and decided that I could NOT. FIND. MY. PHONE.  And instead of calmly looking for it, I decided to have a major panic attack, that included tears, […]

Brokedown Jetta


Marc’s leaving on Monday (tomorrow) to go to England for a week.  I’m pretty sure we’re both in denial about it; it’s not because I can’t function without him (I really can, I swear), but because it seems like such a crazy interruption to the regular flow of life.  You mean, I have to be […]

DVD shelf


Somehow, in the many years we’ve been together, Marc and I have amassed quite the DVD collection.  Our old Ikea Billy shelves weren’t really cutting it, as far as space goes, so we decided to upgrade to something a little more solid and a LOT bigger. We found this shelf online, and it goes with […]

Here’s a picture of Job and his new, massive bone.  It’s seriously as big as he is, pretty much.  So far, he can carry it around and he’s been gnawing at it.  His most favorite thing of all is to keep it at his side, though, especially when he’s sleeping!  What a lucky dog!!

I can’t say I’ve always been a fan of Valentine’s Day, but it’s a lot easier to love it when you’re in love.  And I am, of course.  In years past, Marc and I have always gone out of town for Valentine’s Day.  This year, because we have the new addition to the family (our […]



Mameve Medwed’s novel, Mail is a funny little book.  Written in 1998, it might technically be an early precursor to the whole chick lit genre that is now prevalent (is this true?  Or am I just making wild claims?).   The story’s heroine is Katinka O’Toole, a 30-something-year-old writer, living in Cambridge, Mass.  She is highly […]

Temperature wise, the past few days in Boston have been glorious.  Yes, there is still snow on the ground (and ice underfoot), but I’ve been walking with my coat WIDE OPEN!  How incredible is that?  Incredible!   Yes, I’m aware it’s not going to last forever, but I am really okay with the reality of it in […]



I have an ear infection.  I think it’s my first ear infection ever (it only took me 27 years to get here, thank you), at least in my cognizant memory.  I haven’t been feeling well for about a week and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was that was really bothering me, until […]

I haven’t been feeling too hot for the past couple of days, and most especially today, and I’ve spent much of my day mulling over what, exactly, I’d recommend to you for February.  I have compiled a little list, so enjoy! 1.  New England Soup Factory Cookbook – If you know me, you know that […]